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Business Research Paper

Business Research Paper

Q LE 253 | 5 Page Business Research Paper with citations within paper. In further effort to provide more time and help - the due date has been extended an extra day to Saturday, June 20, 2020 by midnight. Due: June 19, 2020 by 11:59 p.m. EXTENDED to June 20, 2020 by 11:59 p.m. if needed. Indivual Presentation & 5-Page Paper with Citations Purpose To research and become subject matter experts on a specific topic of Business Law. This will further serve as additional experience to discuss on future interviews and in your career advancement. Many companies will ask specific questions about your college curriculum. Interviewers often ask what you did or learned in your classes that will enhance your productivity and knowledge on the job – this is that specific project you can speak proudly about. Deliverables • 5-Page Paper with citations within the paper/writing. • For each paragraph, you should cite where the information was obtained from to allow for in-paper citations in addition to your Works Cited Page at the end. This allows a quick reference point for each area to support your work and information. Suggested Topics • UCC • Remedies o Buyers Remedies o Buyers Obligations o Sellers Remedies o Sellers Obligations • Agency • Cover • Negotiable Instruments • Modification • Merchant Intricacies • Your own specific Business Law topic upon approval Citations and Sources Each topic will require additional research beyond the textbook to allow for thorough understanding of the topics. In addition to the textbook – use 3 outside sources and cite your work throughout the paper.

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The following research paper aims analyzing the agency law, with a particular focus on duty of loyalty of the agent, and control of the principle. The fiduciary relationship of agent and principle implied different types of authorities provided by the principle to the agent. There involve contract of agent and principle, as well as terms and conditions of employment. A range of case laws and examples are provided to illustrate the obligations to principle and duty of agent. Control is a main factor to comply duty of care of the agent, rest the agent-principle relationship comes with an end.